2.3 Removing the Older Version of HATS HA

If you have an older version of HATS HA,
please use the following procedure to remove it
before proceeding to install the new version!!!

  1. At system prompt, type pkgrm HA. Press ENTER.

    The following package is currently installed:
    ....HA...............High Availability
    ......................(sparc)[HA 6.0],REV=95.12.25

    Do you want to remove this package?

  2. Type y to select yes. Press ENTER.

    ## Removing installed package instance <HA>

    This package contains scripts which will be executed
    with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.

    Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q]

  3. Type y to select yes. Press ENTER.

    ## Verifying package dependencies.
    ## Processing package information.
    ## Executing preremove script.
    remove High availability from/ etc/rc2.d/S99.HA
    remove High Availability from openwin Workspace
    ## Removing pathnames in class <none>
    ## Updating system information.

    Removal of <HA> was successful.

    You have just removed the older version of HATS HA and are now ready to install the new version.

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